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DataGrail is one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies in the security category.

This company helps businesses keep up with rising data compliance demands

BY Alex Pasternack1 minute read

As people insist on more privacy, and more legislators follow the examples of Europe and California, companies are facing a surge in compliance demands and data subject requests.

That’s hard enough for big companies, with sprawling landscapes of data, but it’s especially complicated for smaller businesses, which lack the kinds of professionals needed to manage a proper privacy program.

DataGrail helps organizations keep better track of their privacy responsibilities, launching a dashboard in March 2023 that maps user data and streamlines the process of responding to data requests.

Taking a page from the managed security service providers who provide resource-strapped businesses with turnkey cybersecurity, DataGrail launched its own managed service in July 2023, taking on the day-to-day management, monitoring, and reporting needed for staying on the right side of privacy laws, like Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA).


The San Francisco-based company, last valued at $200 million in late 2022, states that revenue has more than tripled, with clients including Bed Bath & Beyond, FanDuel, HubSpot, and Instacart.

To date, it says it has served millions of users’ data requests, all without ever transferring customer data to its own database.

Explore the full 2024 list of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies, 606 organizations that are reshaping industries and culture. We’ve selected the firms making the biggest impact across 58 categories, including advertising, artificial intelligence, design, sustainability, and more.

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Alex Pasternack is a contributing editor at Fast Company who covers technology and science, and the founding editor of Vice's Motherboard. Reach him at and on Twitter at @pasternack More

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