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GPT-based tools are at their best when they’re helping make sense of information.

Generative AI isn’t just for making bland text anymore

[Source images: Paper Boat Creative/Getty Iamges; Yagi Studio/Getty Images; Rawpixel]

BY Jared Newman4 minute read

Most generative AI tools miss the point of what makes the technology useful.

Sure, you can use tools ChatGPT to generate reams of humanlike text, but the results will probably be pretty dull. Getting AI to convey novel ideas instead of generic filler can quickly become frustrating.

It’s no surprise, then, that the most useful generative AI tools are less fixated on churning out new text, and instead helping people make sense of what’s already out there. While it’s early days, here are some promising examples:

News Minimalist

This daily newsletter and website reads through 1,000 news stories per day using GPT-4, then assigns them a “significance” score based on factors such as how many people the story affects and how likely it is to trigger more news events. Only stories with a score of eight or higher make the newsletter, which includes brief summaries and links to the source material. That means the length of each issue depends on how many important things happened. (Sometimes it’s just an item or two.)


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Jared Newman covers apps and technology from his remote Cincinnati outpost. He also writes two newsletters, Cord Cutter Weekly and Advisorator. More

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