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A spate of new tools use machine intelligence to help users manage their time, calendar, and personal life.

10 Ways To Use AI To Make Everyday Tasks A Little Easier

[Illustration: Peter Oumanski]

BY David Lidsky2 minute read

1. Write Better Emails, Boomerang For Gmail

What’s the likelihood that your email will receive a reply? This add-on will tell you, based on subject header, reading level, and length. It also helps schedule follow-up reminders.

Bonus features: Fifteen dollars a month adds further analysis, such as evaluating an email’s politeness and positivity before you hit send.

2. Focus Your Mind,

This desktop and mobile music app creates ambient sound to help users concentrate on a task, meditate, or sleep. modulates the rhythm and frequency of the AI-generated music based on cognitive research. Five free sessions.

Bonus features: Unlock unlimited and offline use for $6.95 a month or $49.99 a year.


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David Lidsky is deputy editor of Fast Company. He’s responsible for helping to steer its overall editorial direction, with an emphasis on finding, commissioning, and editing long-form narrative feature stories that appear in print and online More

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