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The wild claims were reported by reputable journalists. However, some advocates for studying UAP caution that the story is hearsay without direct proof.

Report: High-level intelligence sources claim the Pentagon holds remains of alien spacecraft

[Images: Albert Antony/Unsplash, Image Source/Getty Images]

BY Jesus Diaz4 minute read

Two allegedly solid, high-level sources in the U.S. intelligence community have claimed that the Pentagon has intact and partially intact vehicles of nonhuman origin that they have kept secret, illegally concealing them from the U.S. Congress, according to a report by two well-known journalists. If confirmed, this startling information would obviously shake the foundations of our reality, proving for the first time that humanity is not alone in the universe.

These sources are not random attention-seekers but high-level professionals with long careers in the U.S. government. By releasing this allegedly classified information, they expose themselves to government retaliation. The information has been published in the online publication The Debrief by Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, the reporters who previously exposed the existence of a secret Pentagon UFO program in the New York Times. That report caused a great scandal in the United States and provoked an immediate reaction from the Senate, which forced the U.S. military to reveal details of the program that they had kept secret from Congress.

Complete alien vehicles?

The would-be whistleblowers are David Grusch, a veteran and former member of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and National Reconnaissance Office, who analyzed unexplained anomalous phenomena (UAP), and Jonathan Grey, a current intelligence officer at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC). Grusch has claimed that the government is in possession of craft of nonhuman origin. Grey confirmed the existence of “exotic materials,” adding a line straight from the X-Files, “We are not alone.”

Grusch claims that the U.S. government and its defense contractors have been recovering fragments of “non-human” spacecraft, and in some cases entire spacecraft, for decades.

“We’re not talking about prosaic origins or identities,” Grusch told Kean and Blumenthal. “The material includes intact and partially intact vehicles.” Grusch assured The Debrief that the analysis determined that this material is “of exotic origin,” meaning “non-human intelligence, either extraterrestrial or of unknown origin.” Grey, a senior analyst who studies unexplained anomalous phenomena within NASIC, confirmed Grusch’s words. “The phenomenon of non-human intelligence is real. We are not alone.” Grey also stated that “recoveries of these types [of objects] are not limited to the United States. This is a global phenomenon.”

Fast Company reached out to NASIC for comment and will update this post if we hear back.

However, the Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb—a longtime proponent of the systematic scientific investigation of unexplained aerial phenomena—has cautioned in a blog post that, without scientific data and solid proof, the report can only be taken as “hearsay.”

According to Loeb, “as a scientist who is guided by evidence I must bring up a cautionary remark: there are no scientific details in this report. I can only assess the significance of open data or materials to which I have direct access.”

The famed scientist—known for his book Extraterrestrial, the Galileo Project to search for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence right in our backyard, and theorizing that the object ‘Oumuamua could be of alien origin—also points out that, if true, the responsibility of the government should be to release what they have regardless of national security matters: “[T]he possible existence of extraterrestrial technological civilizations entails scientific knowledge about the Universe that does not adhere to national borders and should be shared with all humans.”

Potential impact

The revelations are surprising and shocking not only because of the information but also because of the source of the information. In a statement to the Guardian, researcher Nick Pope—who worked for the British Ministry of Defense to investigate the UFO phenomenon during the 1990s—said the claims made by Grusch and Grey about the actual existence of alien materials is “very significant.” According to Pope, “it’s one thing to read stories on conspiracy blogs, but [Grusch and Grey] take it to a new level, because of what these sources represent.” 


Confirmation that the U.S. government is in possession of nonhuman-derived spacecraft would radically change our understanding of life in the universe, says Pope: “Assuming all of this is true, it brings us closer to confirmation that we are not alone in the universe.”

The allegations also raise questions about what else the U.S. government knows and why it has kept this information secret. According to Grusch, information about these programs has been “illegally withheld from Congress.” Grusch has filed a formal complaint—under the law that protects whistleblowers of illegal activities within the U.S. federal government—alleging that he has suffered illegal retaliation for disclosing classified information. 

National security

As Loeb points out, if confirmed, the revelations may also have major implications for U.S. national security. According to Grusch, the recovered objects are “of exotic origin (non-human intelligence, either extraterrestrial or of unknown origin) based on vehicle morphologies and material science testing and possession of unique atomic dispositions and radiological signatures.” If U.S. adversaries have also recovered this type of technology, it could change the balance of power in the world. As Pope told the Guardian, “this could be a game changer.”

We will know more today as Washington, D.C., wakes up. The U.S. Senate and House committees have been extremely aggressive about the military’s secrecy since Kean and Blumenthal uncovered the whole illegal Pentagon UFO research bureau enchilada. Over the past couple years they have continued to ratchet up the pressure, prompting both NASA and the Pentagon to open programs for the location and analysis of anomalous multi-domain phenomena across space, air and oceans. These new allegations will undoubtedly provoke some serious reactions from U.S. lawmakers.

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Jesus Diaz is a screenwriter and producer whose latest work includes the mini-documentary series Control Z: The Future to Undo, the futurist daily Novaceno, and the book The Secrets of Lego House. More

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