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Gen Z isn’t ‘quiet quitting’—they’re grappling with a lack of interpersonal connection

[Photo: SeventyFour/Getty Images]

BY Bella Pittinger4 minute read

People have claimed that Gen Z workers are “quiet quitting.” That is, doing the bare minimum to maintain their position at work. 

This behavior isn’t explained by some stark generational divide that’s left young people devoid of ambition while their seasoned counterparts maintain a no-nonsense work ethic that’s driven them forward for years. No, a lack of work ethic isn’t to blame—but a lack of interpersonal connection and belonging in the workplace may very well be.

As a Gen Z senior copywriter who entered the profession with an internship in 2020—in the midst of summer lockdowns—I can attest to the difficulty of beginning a career, learning the workplace ropes, and forging a professional path from my parents’ basement. It was dark, it was lonely, and it was far from the energetic, open-plan office I so desperately wanted to experience. And I’m not the only one.

Gen Z currently makes up about 13% of the U.S. workforce, and many of us have never even experienced a pre-pandemic office. This means we’ve never built organic relationships around the water cooler or reached the collective effervescence of collaborating in real time. And these days, about 26% of U.S. employees work remotely. Within these percentages lies a generation of up-and-coming talent who are navigating the ambiguity of onboarding and relationship-building from the confines of their studio apartments, all while confronting the shift from campus life to virtual office.

As the remote model of work continues to evolve, we must consider the long-term effects of such a setup on younger employees. We have to recognize the importance of these career-formative years, and identify new ways to develop and engage the next generation of leaders.

This isn’t just for the best of young workers—it’s also a valuable investment in the health and growth of your business, which hinges on employee retention, engagement, and career growth. For everyone’s benefit, company veterans, and young employees themselves, must be proactive about fostering mentorship and professional development from afar.

From a Gen Z employee who’s never experienced the proverbial water cooler, here are four things to consider: 

We need brain food

The young workers I know are hungry to work, to learn, to show off their strengths, and to become the professionals they’ve dreamed of becoming. When this excitement is neglected, it can be demoralizing, making it harder to find purpose and produce quality work.

To prevent the precursors to quiet quitting and help young, eager talent grow, leaders must find ways to put this ambition into practice virtually.

One solution is to expose these employees to work beyond their department or immediate team. Leaders, consider inviting these workers to new business meetings or other sessions that give insight into the company’s operations. Recommend books, articles, and other sources of learning that pertain to their skill set. Find ways to include them in public speaking or thought leadership opportunities.

When younger employees are encouraged to participate in important conversations, they’ll feel more empowered, valued, and eager to make an impact. This builds confidence, career skills, and a motivation to continue learning. For this cohort, work is still new—which means it’s still exciting. Put this excitement into practice.

We thrive on constructive feedback

In our own research, we found that more than 40% of Fortune 500 employees are motivated to do their best work when regularly receiving clear feedback. This number is likely higher for young employees who are faking it until they make it—for many, their only point of reference is what professors wrote on grading rubrics.

Effective mentorship means explicitly communicating what we’re doing well and what needs improvement. When collaboration primarily takes place online, interpreting reactions to one’s work—the facial expressions and body language that you’d see in person—is no longer second nature. 


To best mentor young workers today, managers need to fine-tune their constructive feedback skills. My recommendation is to get nitpicky; break down recent work and give us specific action points on how to improve for next time. Praise goes a long way, but a thoughtful critique can last a career.

We look up to you

One-on-ones are exciting for young employees; it’s a chance for us to show off what we’re working on and how we’re adding value to your team. Equally, it’s a chance for us to see what professional development looks like.

Young employees are still figuring out how their career paths may unfold, so share as much as you are open to sharing. For instance, discussing a leader’s workload gives us insight into the possibilities and allows us to imagine what life may be like for us one day.

When meeting with a younger employee, share what you’re working on. Share your calendar, the challenges you’re facing, and your thought processes as you overcome them. This isn’t boring—it’s fascinating—and it may help us approach our work from an elevated perspective.

We all have to take initiative

This is a note for my working generational cohorts: Remote work can be tough, but your mentorship and career progression aren’t just on your boss. Be proactive about figuring out who you want to learn from and reach out to them for a recurring status. Volunteer for tasks and seek out ways to make your presence known in a smart and helpful way.

Even small efforts like turning your camera on in meetings can help establish your presence on a team, and it can help remind others of your ambition. 

For all to thrive in a remote environment, professional growth and engagement must be a top priority, especially when mentoring up-and-coming talent. Leaders have an opportunity to build meaningful partnerships with the next generation of workers. And though this requires an intentional effort while working from home, such a partnership has the power to create immense value for everyone involved. Adapting to this new model of mentorship will take time, but it’s a valuable challenge to conquer—with or without the presence of the water cooler.

Bella Pittinger is a senior copywriter at Long Dash.

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