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O’Rourke is said to be gaining on Cruz in the polls. These debates could make all the difference.

Ted Cruz–Beto O’Rourke debate: How to watch live online without a TV

[Photos: Flickr user Gage Skidmore; Flickr user Inter-American Dialogue]

BY Christopher Zara

Texas is not big enough for Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke, so the two candidates for U.S. Senate are duking it out tonight in the first of three debates. Republican incumbent Cruz has occupied the seat since 2013, but the notably unlikable senator may have met his match in the charismatic O’Rourke. Polls indicate the 45-year-old congressman has all the momentum, with one forecaster now calling the race a “toss-up.”

Either way, tonight’s high-stakes debate should be entertaining to watch. The one-hour event takes place tonight (September 21) at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. It starts at 6 p.m. local time (7 p.m. ET).

If you’re looking to stream it online, you have a few options. Texas Tribune, the nonprofit news outlet, will live-stream the debate on its website. The Dallas Morning News will also stream it online, as will the local NBC affiliate KXAS.

The debate topic is domestic politics. It will be moderated by NBC 5 reporter Julie Fine and Dallas Morning News writer Gromer Jeffers. If Cruz and O’Rourke both survive, a second debate will take place in Houston on September 30, and a third in San Antonio on October 16. After that, we’ll definitely be all Cruzed out.


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Christopher Zara is a senior editor for Fast Company, where he runs the news desk. His new memoir, UNEDUCATED (Little, Brown), tells a highly personal story about the education divide and his madcap efforts to navigate the professional world without a college degree. More

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