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The social network is considering putting a breaking news section in its place.

Facebook is finally killing off its trending news section

[Photo: LoboStudioHamburg/Pixabay]

BY Cale Guthrie Weissman

Facebook has announced its plans to kill of its trending news section, according to the Associated Press. The feature, which was first launched in 2014, surfaced topics that were popular throughout Facebook’s News Feed. The idea was to provide front page news to its users, but the feature instantly got in hot water for both sharing fake stories and for the section seeming to have an ideological slant.

After years of tweaking and trying to fix it, Facebook is now just doing away with trending altogether. The company is considering putting up a breaking news section in its place.

This is probably a good step for Facebook; trending news has long been considered an unimportant element in social media that is most prone to manipulating users.

You can read the full AP story here.


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Cale is a Brooklyn-based reporter. He writes about many things. More

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