Deborah Grayson Riegel

Keynote speaker and leadership consultant

Deborah Grayson Riegel is a keynote speaker and consultant who teaches leadership communication for Wharton Business School and Columbia Business School. The author of Overcoming Overthinking: 36 Ways to Tame Anxiety for Work, School, and Life, she consults and speaks for clients including Amazon, BlackRock, Bloomberg, Johnson & Johnson, PepsiCo, and The United States Army. You can download her free guide "25 Questions To Dramatically Improve Your Relationships at Work."

Presentation Lessons from Improv Comedy: 5 Tips to Plan What You Say Before You Open Your Mouth

When I was a sophomore at the University of Michigan (Go Blue!), my friends Wendy, Dave, Tom, Matt, Mike and I founded the school’s first improvisational comedy troupe. We had performed sketch and stand-up comedy before this – where everything was scripted – so changing our approach from a prepared routine to extemporaneous, fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants, created in the moment comedy was a big shift for us.

“No Questions, Please!” The 8 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself to Ace Your Next Q&A

One of my favorite cartoons from the New Yorker shows a speaker at a podium with the caption, “I will now fend off questions from the audience.” Why does that make me chuckle? Because most of us, when making a presentation, regard the Q&A portion as a war zone. We want to make our presentation (and I realize that “want” may be an overstatement for some) and get the heck out of there without pesky inquiries that threaten to show the holes in our logic, the gaps in our preparation, or the spaces between our areas of expertise.
