Statement of Editorial Ethics
Fast Company is a leading business news organization committed to fair, accurate, and factual journalism.
- Editing: All editorial stories that appear on one of Fast Company’s platforms—print, digital, video, and audio—go through an editing process prior to publication.
- Fact-
- Fairness: Our journalists will give companies and individuals ample opportunity to comment on stories, especially on items or reporting that is controversial or negative. Quotes and information from anonymous sources will be used sparingly, and only with the permission of an editor.
- Artificial intelligence (AI): The use of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT in the creation of articles, images, or other editorial content may only be used if directed by an editor or supervisor and will be identified as such. As creators of original content, Fast Company is sensitive to concerns about the exploitation of intellectual property, and its editors will never ask AI tools to
- Opinion and syndicated content: Contributions from non-journalists are labeled as “POV” (point of view) and/or will provide context on a contributor’s expertise. Fast Company will frequently publish syndicated content from trusted news sources such as wire services and established networks.
- Perspective: Our journalists are encouraged to draw conclusions from their reporting, so long as they’ve made every effort to report on a topic or subject holistically.
- Advertising: Advertisers do not direct news coverage. Fast Company occasionally publishes “custom content” text, videos, and audio pieces created in conjunction with advertisers and sponsors. These pieces are clearly labeled.
- Ethics: Our journalists do not accept payment from the companies and individuals they cover, nor do we pay sources to participate in our journalism.
- Independence: Our company is owned by Joe Mansueto, founder of Morningstar and an investor. Mr. Mansueto does not have any influence on our news coverage.