
This question can be the most difficult to answer, but consider these points. A vision not lived remains only a dream. When we are living our vision, it is part of our daily practice. We are reminded every day what we are working towards. Sometimes our efforts become disconnected from our vision. We lose our direction. We get distracted. Then we lose the vision itself, and over time we are left with unfulfilled dreams. Many people have bitter regrets over lost dreams and missed opportunities. They feel they have failed – often saying “if only I had….” This is sad!

BY Terrill Welch1 minute read

This question can be the most difficult to answer, but consider these points. A vision not lived remains only a dream. When we are living our vision, it is part of our daily practice. We are reminded every day what we are working towards. Sometimes our efforts become disconnected from our vision. We lose our direction. We get distracted. Then we lose the vision itself, and over time we are left with unfulfilled dreams. Many people have bitter regrets over lost dreams and missed opportunities. They feel they have failed – often saying “if only I had….” This is sad! Though all our dreams will not be fulfilled, I have discovered that there are three basic steps to ensure we are living our vision.

Step one: Declare your vision. Write it down. Post it where you can see it everyday. Tell it to others! In the telling you will reinforce your commitment. Plus, you allow others the opportunity to support you in curious and unexpected ways – I am sure this is how the most outrageous-beyond-belief visions come to pass.

Step two: Be persistent. Visions require sustained effort over long periods of time. Break your vision down into manageable portions. Make a commitment to no more than three specific actions that you will take towards living your vision. Decide when and how you will act. Be clear about the intent behind each action. This allows you flexibility. If necessary, you can adjust your commitment to better reach your intended goal. Again, write your commitments down, post them and tell others. If you have identified more than three actions, choose just three to get started; as those first three are completed, choose three more.

Step three: Know success. To know your success is to be able to name it! Imagine what living your vision will be like. How will you know? What will it feel like? What will it look like? What will it be like? What are you hearing? What are you doing? Where are you? Who are you talking to? Who is supporting you (mentors, coach, friends, family, colleagues, employer, fans, or/and investors)? Write a sentence or two that captures your answers to these questions. Post the answers up there with your vision and your three actions.

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To help you declare your vision, I have a “Your Blooming Success – seven part series discussion” at .

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