
With its new Partner Program, the platform is pushing its podcasts closer to a new-age, TikTok-style medium.

How Spotify is turning podcasting into social media

[Source image: e-crow/Getty Images]

BY Henry Chandonnet2 minute read

When Spotify introduced video podcasts, its interface started to look more like TikTok. Now the music streaming giant has added a glorified creator fund. 

Over the past 10 years, the audio industry has undergone a bottom-up revolution, with traditional audio formats upended by (often smaller-budget) podcasting outfits. Spotify wants to keep the ball rolling: With the company’s newly announced Partner Program, small-name creators have more opportunities to monetize than ever before. 

Not long ago, most podcasters could be called audio journalists. Now it’s time we start calling them creators. 

Spotify’s push toward social podcasting

Spotify’s Partner Program opens up “audience-driven payouts from Spotify Premium video engagement.” Translation: The more Premium users who watch a video podcast, the more its creators will get paid. Podcasters can also get a cut of ads listened to by Spotify Free users. Suddenly, podcasters can bet on payouts from Spotify based on engagement alone, no longer relying exclusively on coordinating their own advertisements. 

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Henry Chandonnet is a contributing writer at Fast Company and an undergraduate at Tufts University. His writing has also appeared in People, V Magazine, and The Daily Dot. More

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