
Author and former head of innovation at Disney Duncan Wardle says everyone can be creative in the right environment. Here’s how.

Disney’s former head of innovation shares secrets for boosting your creativity

[Source images: paul_craft/Adobe Stock; roman11998866/Adobe Stock]

BY Stephanie Vozza4 minute read

AI is changing the workplace, but there is one area in which it can’t (yet) compete with humans and that’s imagination. In fact, the latest Future of Jobs report from the World Economic Forum called creativity one of the most important skills for workers today. 

The problem, though is that most people don’t consider themselves particularly gifted in that area, says Duncan Wardle, author of The Imagination Emporium: Creative Recipes for Innovation and Disney’s former vice president of innovation and creativity. “When I speak to audiences, I ask people if they think they’re creative,” he says. “Less than 5% put their hands up. But I believe everyone can be creative in the right environment.”

The idea of being innovative can feel intimidating, the solution is infusing playfulness into your day. Unfortunately, the work environment isn’t set up to foster play.

“Where are you when you get your best ideas?” asks Wardle. “Not one person ever says, ‘at work.’ Ninety percent of people will say the shower.”

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Stephanie Vozza is a freelance writer who covers productivity, careers, and leadership. She's written for Fast Company since 2014 and has penned nearly 1,000 articles for the site’s Work Life vertical More

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