Transfr is addressing the growing skills gap through virtual reality trainings that grant workers access to jobs in manufacturing, healthcare, aviation, and construction—career paths that do not require a college degree. Since Transfr was founded in 2017, the company has developed more than 330 simulations on its VR-based platform and has facilitated more than 660,000 training sessions. (In December, the company released a software development kit to enable 3D designers and developers to build their own training simulations on the platform).
Transfr is now being used in over 1,100 different settings across the country, from community colleges and trade schools to prisons and employers. Transfr’s revenue grew by 90% in 2023, and its customer base doubled. The company also took on a pressing concern for the healthcare industry, one that was exacerbated by the pandemic.
To address a growing shortage of healthcare workers, Transfr launched a Virtual Healthcare Clinic that teaches key skills for apprenticeships and other roles within healthcare. Virtual reality simulations recreate the experience of working in a clinical setting, even imagining scenarios that frontline healthcare workers may encounter in the course of delivering patient care.
Transfr is already partnering with Area Health Education Centers across the country to help recruit and train healthcare workers in underserved areas. Over the past year, Transfr has also expanded on its programs to help formerly incarcerated people reenter the workforce and reduce recidivism by creating career training simulations for juvenile offenders.
Explore the full 2024 list of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies, 606 organizations that are reshaping industries and culture. We’ve selected the firms making the biggest impact across 58 categories, including advertising, artificial intelligence, design, sustainability, and more.