
Age discrimination is wrong, unfair, and bad for business. Unfortunately, it continues to exist.

How older workers can overcome age discrimination by making these three changes to their resume

[Photo: Thomas Barwick/Getty]

BY Geoffrey Bourne3 minute read

At what age do you think the Age Discrimination in Employment Act protects you? That is, at what age is it illegal for employees to not hire or fire you purely on the basis of your age? 60, or maybe even 50?

The answer is 40, and there’s a very good reason for that. I just turned 43 and feel as young as ever, even if gray hairs are creeping in. But many people still see me as the “older worker,” and the situation is significantly worse if you’re in your fifties or sixties. Of course, they won’t say it out loud, but they’ll use terms like “not a cultural fit” because they see your age on your resume and make unqualified, and often false, assumptions.

Age discrimination is unfair, wrong, and frankly, bad for businesses. There are many benefits to hiring older workers. For starters, they often have experience and networks that younger workers don’t have yet. But unfortunately, a lot of businesses overlook those benefits. Data from the AARP shows that 64% of older workers experienced age discrimination in 2014.

So what can you do to protect yourself from resume age discrimination? Luckily, there are several techniques to age-proof your resume. Here are three things you can do to make the reader to focus on you, and not your age.

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1. Limit your work history to 15 years

You’ve had a great career and are very proud of what you’ve accomplished, but really, no one cares about a job or project you worked on 15, 20, or 30 years ago. For starters, those jobs are likely no longer relevant. All it does is give the hiring manager a clear indication of how old you are.

Focus on the story you want to tell in your resume by drawing from your relevant experience within the past 15 years, with the most emphasis on the past 10 years. For example, I typically list my positions from 15 years ago with a single line:

TD Ameritrade, VP, Institutional Adviser Services–2002-2006
Led TD Ameritrade’s adviser and client trading site development teams.

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