
It has the exclusive rights to stream “It’s a Wonderful Life” too.

At Amazon, it’s Black Friday already. Next stop, complete holiday domination

[Photo: Alison Marras/Unsplash]

BY Michael Grothaus1 minute read

It’s only November 1, but the company has already launched its opening salvo in an attempt to dominate this holiday shopping season. The company has officially launched its 2018 Black Friday Deals Store highlighting millions of products already on sale this holiday season. For the record, 2018’s Black Friday is still three weeks away–on November 23.

But Amazon doesn’t just want to dominate holiday gift giving–it wants to own the entire holiday experience this year. With that in mind, the company has some other holiday experiences up its sleeves. For starters, Amazon has acquired the exclusive rights to stream the holiday classic It’s a Wonderful Life on its Prime Video service–and it’s got the movie in both black and white and in color.

Also as of today, the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line comes to Alexa. Now Echo and Alexa users can simply say, “Alexa, open Butterball” to get advice on how to cook the perfect holiday turkey.

Finally, for the first time, Amazon is offering customers the ability to buy a variety of real Christmas trees including six- to seven-foot Fraser firs, Balsam firs, and Black Hills spruces. The trees are available for preorder now and deliveries will start as early as Black Friday.

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Michael Grothaus is a novelist and author. He has written for Fast Company since 2013, where he's interviewed some of the tech industry’s most prominent leaders and writes about everything from Apple and artificial intelligence to the effects of technology on individuals and society. More

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