
Or maybe it will. Depends on how much of it you drink. (Please drink the zombie beer responsibly.)

Drinking This Official “Walking Dead” Beer Won’t Turn You Into a Zombie, Probably

BY Joe Berkowitz

It’s not uncommon for a person in the throes of a lager-deluge to evolutionarily regress into a shaky, zombie-like shuffle as a means of getting from one bar to the next. At least now, whoever’s doing so has the option to be on-theme.

The Walking Dead, TV’s long-running bastion of blood and guts, recently partnered with Georgia-based Terrapin Beer Co. to create the first officially licensed beer from the show. (Its rival in wildly popular genre shows, Game of Thrones, has been in the beer-brewing game for a while.) The logo of the blood orange (jokes!) IPA mirrors The Walking Dead comic books rather than the show, but the spirit of the show is there.

Be sure to stock up on these suds because… winter is coming. Wait, wrong show. I mean, be sure to buy plenty in case you suddenly need to spend a lot of time hidden indoors for other reasons.

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Joe Berkowitz is an opinion columnist at Fast Company. His latest book, American Cheese: An Indulgent Odyssey Through the Artisan Cheese World, is available from Harper Perennial. More

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