
As “Minionistas,” Alexa Chung, Marc Jacobs, Anna Wintour, Karl Lagerfeld, and others look good in yellow.

Minions, Now Reimagined As Fashion Industry Stars

BY Sarah Lawson1 minute read

It’s already been a banner year for the world’s favorite yellow single-celled organisms–the Minions movie released earlier this month has already grossed $625 million. Vogue UK launched a mockumentary video series on the Minions’ impact on fashion, complete with a fake Vogue UK cover. And the Minions even have their own capsule fashion collection, created in part by the likes of Rupert Sanderson, Giles Deacon, and Tatty Devine.

So to keep the yellow fashion train rolling, style community and shopping site Stylight traded in the Minions’ blue overalls and reimagined nine of our best-known fashion icons as their Minionista spirit organisms. Karl Lagerfeld, Cara Delevingne, and Alexa Chung have all been recast with sassier, more jaundiced versions of themselves.

Is Anna Wintour’s Minionista a subtle call-out to get a Minion on the cover of Vogue for real? We certainly hope so.

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Sarah Lawson is a special projects editor at Fast Company, where she works on the Innovation Festival and keeps up with all things Most Creative People, Most Innovative Companies, and Innovation By Design. More

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