Sheryl Sandberg told Londoners yesterday just how important mobile advertising is–and not only to Facebook, but to the marketing biz, in general.
The COO of Facebook was addressing journalists at the firm’s London offices, and this is what she said:
The size of the audience makes this–the phone–a mass medium. It’s as important to a marketer as TV. This is as important–if not more important–than television.
So important, it seems, that, if a the social network is reportedly preparing to charge $1 million per video ad. Four daily summer “slots” are up for grabs, with different demographics: men over 30, men under 30, women over 30, and women under 30. The ads will be 15 seconds long and will not be shown more than three times a day to each of Facebook’s billion users. If the firm gets what it wants, that could mean $4 million a day coming into the Facebook purse.
[Image: Flickr user CMMorrison]