I have had the good fortune to work for, with, and coach many brilliant people. I have watched many of them struggle with being smarter and faster than everyone around them.
Being the smartest one in the room is not easy. (Really.)
Really smart people, who get to the answer before everyone else, get frustrated because:
- No one gets why they are right, and they tired of explaining things all the time.
- Everyone seems to WANT to go slower, and it is infuriating.
- They resent having to make the effort of “bringing people along”–it’s not fair, and it’s a waste of time.
- They piss people off. Why do people get so upset when they’re just stating facts?
If you are one of these people, or you have one of these people working for you, here is the trick: You can either be smart, or you can be effective.
You can be 100% right and 0% effective.
Remember, you can’t do everything alone. At some point you need other people. You need them either to help you or to get out of your way!
So you have to be able to influence people. If you can’t influence them, you will face roadblocks and fail to get others working on your agenda, and you will not be effective. If you want to be effective, you have to suck it up and bring people along with you–even though it seems like a waste of time.