
In this introduction to a new video series, watch Seventh Generation CEO Jeffrey Hollender, YouTube’s Hunter Walk, and others discuss how having a social mission has become a more and more integral part of running any business.

BY Morgan Clendaniel

Social innovation is hot right now. It seems like every other business these days is giving away some percentage of its revenue, or donating products to the developing world for each item you buy.

But it hasn’t always been that way and–despite appearances–it’s not so easy to start and run a successful social enterprise. So at this year’s U.N. Social Innovation Summit, PwC convened a group of experts to discuss the evolution of social innovation, and give advice about the best way for others to follow in their footsteps and influence it. The speakers include former Seventh Generation CEO (and Co.Exist contributor) Jeffrey Hollender, Penny Abeywardena, the director of the Clinton Global Initiative’s Girls and Women program, and Hunter Walk, who leads the Social Goods Initiative Team at YouTube (he’s contributed to Co.Exist, too).

The video above is a trailer of sorts, but stay tuned: We’ll be rolling out more detailed interviews with everyone who appears here (and others, too) over the coming weeks.

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Morgan Clendaniel is a deputy digital editor at Fast Company, overseeing Co.Design and the Impact section.. He has written Fast Company features on Nextdoor and labor leader Sara Nelson, for which he won a 2021 Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing award.  More

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