
Maybe it’s the lack of a fully entrenched, overly conservative, business as usual HR departments. Or maybe it’s because they live in a world free of lawyers, legalese, and “corporate” mumbo jumbo. Whatever the reason, start ups typically take the cake when it comes to finding rock star talent.

BY Shawn Graham1 minute read

Maybe it’s the lack of a fully entrenched, overly conservative, business as usual HR departments. Or maybe it’s because they live in a world free of lawyers, legalese, and “corporate” mumbo jumbo. Whatever the reason, start ups typically take the cake when it comes to finding rock star talent.

Take Argyle Social–a Durham, NC based startup in the business of social media marketing software. To get the word out, they started with a tweet that compared their team to a pack of rabid wolverines (known for their overwhelming ferocity and pound-for-pound strength). Although I’m sure their approach won’t work for some (including the rabbits and small rodents on which they typically prey), it will for those they’re ultimately going after–other current or aspiring rabid wolverines.

Argyle Tweet

The memorable and engaging tweet was just the beginning. The position description for their Client Services Associate opening starts off like many others, but continues to set the stage both in terms of the speed of your motor and your ability to fit with their culture. I particularly love the “Willingness to work harder than you’re working now” personal requirement and “Non-crappy taste in music” nice to have.

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Argyle Description

Will they land a rock star? Time (or their taste in music) will tell. But regardless of the outcome, in a few short paragraphs and bucketed, bulleted lists, Argyle was able to inject their culture and personality into what could have been an otherwise sleeper of a job description.

Find Shawn Graham at CourtingYourCareer, on Twitter @ShawnGraham or via email at shawn(at)


Shawn Graham partners with small businesses to create, implement, and manage performance-driven marketing strategies. His knowledge base includes media relations, business development, customer engagement, web marketing, and strategic planning More

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