Along with Modern Family and Breaking Bad, work for Heineken, VW, and Dos Equis figured into the Directors Guild of America’s short list for the best of TV in 2011.
The DGA announced its nominations in the TV and commercials categories, citing directors Noam Murro, Lance Acord, Dante Ariola, Fredrik Bond, and Steve Miller for their spot work. Last year, the DGA picked Stacy Wall’s “Rise”–which featured an unapologetic LeBron James after he took his talents to Miami–as best commercial. How does this year’s field stack up?
Below, a selection of nominated work from each director. Tell us in the comments section who you think deserves top billing.
Volkswagen “The Force.” Lance Acord, Park Pictures
The spot, from Deutsch, was launched during 2011’s Super Bowl, and is, by most measures, the spot of the year.
Jim Beam “Parallel Lives.” Dante Ariola, MJZ
Dante Ariola is a top commercials talent with impressive versatility. His work is smartly funny and visually compelling, usually at once. In his nominated spot, “Parallels,” created by agency Strawberry Frog, he directs Willem Dafoe’s many possible selves.
Heineken “The Entrance.” Fredrik Bond, MJZ
Fredrik Bond directs this blockbuster from Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam. When it debuted at the end of 2010, the spot seemed to herald the return of the big, all-singing, all dancing commercial production. The follow-up spot, “The Date,” is also nominated.
Dos Equis “Pommel Horse.” Steve Miller,
“When in Rome, they do as he does.” Yes, it’s The Most Interesting Man In The World, still in fine form–the Euro RSCG New York-created campaign earned Miller three DGA nods.
VV Tiguan “Pinata.” Noam Murro, Biscuit Filmworks
Noam Murro, who has also directed the feature Smart People, is one of the commercials world’s biggest names. These spots, in our opinion, don’t represent the A-lister’s best work (see here for one of his classics), but even Murro’s A- work earns him a place on the nominations list.
Visit the DGA site for the rest of the TV and commercials nominations.