

“John is a terrific leader. Management is very high on him, but there’s one thing missing.”

“Sally is a star. She knows her stuff, but not sure she has what it takes to move up – yet!”

BY John Baldoni3 minute read


“John is a terrific leader. Management is very high on him, but there’s one thing missing.”

“Sally is a star. She knows her stuff, but not sure she has what it takes to move up – yet!”

These are comments that I hear regularly from human resource professionals who hire me to coach one of their employees.

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Dollars to doughnuts that missing ingredient is presence, specifically leadership presence. Which I define as earned authority. Leadership presence is rooted in authority but earned through example. That is, you have the power to things and you have earned the right through your actions to lead others.

Presence is the radiance of authenticity. That is, you radiate sincerity and you have what it takes to make good things happen. It is different from charisma; charisma is a gift, but it’s the sheen on metal. Presence is the real deal – a person’s mettle.


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